im体育APP supports you with periodic flaring emissions monitoring and bio气体 combustion emissions solutions. Our emissions monitoring experts assess whether releases of NOx, CO, 烘焙, Non-Methane挥发性有机化合物的仪器, and SO2 are within the permitted values. 

Landfills operators are required to test bio气体 engine emissions and flaring emissions from their plant annually to assess whether NOx, CO, 烘焙, Non-Methane挥发性有机化合物的仪器, and SO2 releases are within the permitted values. Learn more about biogenic 气体es produced from landfill sites on our 堆填区气体监测 page.

We can guide you through the steps necessary to achieve a successful bio气体 engine and flaring monitoring campaign. Using a holistic approach and working closely with site personnel and other service providers.



Our team of experts helps you to;

  • highlight any possible obstacles before conducting the monitoring, and 
  • advise on best practices to ensure the testing program runs as smoothly and as cost-effectively as possible. 

Our site engineers have knowledge and experience with interpreting the combustion emissions profile to provide helpful advice and guidance on emissions reductions. 

This approach has proven extremely successful with our clients, many of whom have collected valuable monitoring knowledge to help improve their operations.


Bio气体 Combustion Emissions

Bio气体 Combustion Emissions

Bio气体 is fast becoming a significant contributor to supplying green energy in the UK and across the world. The methane (or more precisely biomethane) produced when organic matter is converted to bio气体 is either used as a fuel source or destroyed by flaring.

The Environment Agency regulates both processes, and operators who use bio气体/biomethane as a fuel source must perform emissions monitoring to ensure they comply with their permit.




Flaring is typically undertaken when engines are unavailable to generate power from the 气体, 不管是什么来源.

Flaring is the combustion of 气体 for destructive purposes. It is used to reduce the harmful effects of releasing methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), 已知温室气体, 进入大气层.   



In a major development, im体育APP has patented the 凤凰桅杆系统. Our industry leading solution allows emissions monitoring of flare systems without the use of scaffolding or working at height.  

凤凰降低成本, 节省时间, 提高了安全性, as our unique Phoenix is operated from ground level and meets the requirements for testing under MCERTS and UKAS. 



im体育APP has been working with a range of bio气体 and landfill operators for many years. We currently supply emissions monitoring for clients ranging from large landfill and wastewater operators to small sites running single anaerobic digestion engines. 

The knowledge and experience we’ve built in our UKAS ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratories, enable us to support operators in successfully meeting their permit obligations. 
To learn more about our bio气体 engine and flare emissions monitoring services or speak to one of our experts, 立即im体育APP. 



Download our white paper titled, Flaring and the Implications on Pollution, to learn about the implications of pollution linked to bio气体 flaring from landfill, 污水, and anaerobic digestion sites.

也, discover how the patented Phoenix Mast system allows emissions monitoring to take place without the need for scaffolding or working at height.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.